Saturday, February 25, 2012

Module Three: The Process of Information Design

Any process goes from start to finish. The trick is defining what the actual start is and what the finish is. For example, the process of Christmas shopping can start and end with different activities. Some people start with making a list and end with watching gifts being opened. Others may start with the actual purchasing of gifts and end their process with wrapping the presents. Neither process is right or wrong and both processes have strengths and weaknesses.
Information design requires process planning that views projects from the very first step to the final outcome. This requires careful planning, critical thinking, systems thinking, brainstorming, and effective communication
Steps of an Information Design Process
1. Who? What? Where? When? How?
The first step is to ascertain the scope and strategy for the project. These questions will help define the project parameters that identify the range, the audience, the use, and the content for the information. The data gathered facilitates the action plan for the project.
2. Creative Brief-(two to ten pages)
The next step is to organize and arrange the gathered data to facilitate the design phase. The creative brief outlines the important project information to convey the “project background and goals” (Baer, p. 50).
3. Persona and Scenario
Information needs to be designed so that users can read, understand, and process the presented material. A persona mocks the intended user group and provides reactions, observations, and rebuttals based on users habits, needs, propensity, and proficiency. The mock users can execute different ways of using and interpreting the information to provide feedback that allows the design to be refined based on the feedback.
4. Prototype, Research and Testing
The final product is tested using a prototype presentation that allows users to test the product and ensure it accomplishes its objective. Two examples of prototypes are a sitemap and blueprint.
A sitemap is a tool that presents structure, flow, and nomenclature which provides a visual image of the entire project including all sections and levels. Sitemaps are helpful for web designs, menu sequences, and interactive media. A project map allows for revision history to be tracked, approved, and finalized. As a result, the client can become acclimated to the basic flow of a design before implementation. The sitemap also communicates the details and meaning of the essential project components.
A blueprint provides the details to the sitemap that allows for a view of project organization. It encompasses the project parameters and allows for workability assessments. The blueprint is somewhat rudimentary and simplistic in that it will not encompass the finite details of color, final text, or other graphic elements that the final polished design will have. Blueprints, often called wireframes, provide user reactions that begin the testing process. While blueprints are often linked to plans for buildings they can also be used for blog designs.
Research and Testing
User feedback is essential to the design process and the previous steps provided isolated, but important, feedback. The next phase is to select representative users to ensure each step is tested outside the internal group of designers and the client. Testing should be done in phases to minimize extensive changes. The testing prototypes “need to look enough like the final so it’s clear to users” what they are (Baer, p. 82). Alternately, prototypes for testing should not be so close to final that they are mistaken for the final and then become preferred. Testing is conducted using the client’s customers or through outside agencies that find appropriate users. Different types of testing apply to different projects and in some instances surveys, live testing, group tests, or individual test are more applicable.
   Testing types
Concept Tests-early test that discusses the design with potential users
Participatory Design-sorting through ideas by interacting one-on-one with participants or with the card sorting exercise.
Design Testing-a process to get specific feedback on functionality or appearance based on different scenario usage.
Focus Groups-evaluation of a developed product by a group of people. It is more productive when groups are used for a quick consensus and participants are not strangers.
Usability Testing-ensures functionality is working as the designer envisioned and that average users have the same user experience as the designer.
Beta and Performance Testing-tests the design in the contexts of practical use. Simulates how users will interact and tests possible scenarios.
Important Steps
The most important step in any process is the beginning conversations that set the stage for the project. “Many factors that determine the success of a design piece are unrelated to the formal aspects of design but have everything to do with the context in which the design is created” (Bear, p. 32). Understanding the client and their organization is critically important to the final outcome of the project. I think this process goes further than the first questioning step of the information design process. Understanding the complexities of the organization is necessary to develop the framework and context of the project. Recognizing the organizations history, inner-workings, challenges, constraints, previous experiences, and authority positions establishes the initial baseline for the project. This information is needed before the audience and content can be developed.
Other Steps to Consider
In addition to gathering preliminary client information, it is important to develop project milestones and success metrics.
Milestones define a tangible step in the process that is met before the next step can begin. This also provides a concrete way to measure project completion steps. A sample of a milestone chart used within my organization is below.

              Success Metrics
The success metrics should demonstrate the attainment of defined goals and targets. In an organization, these should ultimately support the strategic plan. Success metrics might be a final grade, number of comments, sales figures, or website downloads.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Module Two: Information Design Theory

Sense-Making: An Information Design Theory
"Sense-making is the process of creating situational awareness and understanding in situations of high complexity or uncertainty in order to make decisions" (Goldenmap, p. 4).
Sense-Making Applied
As I read the theories of Information Design, it became clear to me, that I have used sense-making. My first blog post uses an illustration of two pictures and asks the question “which picture?” As I explored the theory of sense-making, I recalled this question from my blog post, but in my mind thought the question I posted was, “which picture makes sense?” This process illustrates part of the sense-making theory. I processed interpretations of the theory, correlated them back to my blog post information design experiences, recalled the question I asked to illustrate effective use of information, and then made and unmade my own sense of the methodology I employed.
What is Sense-Making?
Sense-making is a theory and methodology focusing on metadesign which provides the framework for making use of information to make sense. “Information is made and unmade in communication-intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, organizational, national, and global” (Jacbson, p. 41). Effective information design must address the varying ways information is processed, assimilated, constructed, and processed through time and space relationships. Sense-making relates to the concepts of time, space, movement, and gap which are the “in-between spaces between order and chaos, structure and individual, culture and person, self 1 and self 2, and so on” (Jacobson, p. 45).
·      Sense-making is a collaborative process that capitalizes on a multitude of perspectives facilitating group thinking and broad awareness’s.
·       Sense-making embraces chaos and removes it as a threat to information design. The focus is on order and chaos as a collective design tool that facilitates definition of both aspects. This view brings prominence to information design providing a gateway to new and innovative avenues for individual and collective approaches to information design assimilation.
·       Continued sense-making can “stifle innovation and change as it creates a strong sense of identity within organizations and groups” (Herbert, p. 8). Sense-making allows for information sharing; as information is interpreted, becoming less chaotic and clearer, people form new contexts and associations which ingrains the new sense they derived and ties it to back to defined affiliations. This process closes off new assimilation's to change and forces integration of logic and sense to conform to old patterns.
·       Sense-making focuses on group actions and is less concerned with individual assimilation's. Individual thoughts and logic tests are less important than group collaborations framing sense-making as an individual starting point to facilitate more complex methodologies.

The seven properties of sense-making can be used to create effective communication to facilitate information assimilation.
1. Identity-the who, what, and how
2. Retrospection-what is noticed and interrupts attention
3. Enacting-understanding and organizing experiences
4. Social-narratives retained and shared
5. Ongoing-observation and reaction
6. Cue Extraction-decisions of relevancy
7. Plausibility-reality versus accuracy
Interpretation of blog information requires the seven properties (above) as people interpret and attempt to make sense of communicated information. Users of information need to assimilate the communicated message to arrive at a clear understanding to facilitate sense-making of the blog content. Blogs that analyze these seven properties, to ensure each component is fully developed, facilitate the information user and effectively fulfill an information design message.

Golden Map. Sensemaking.

Herbert, Karen S. Sensemaking. (2008). EDP 382L Cognition and Behavior: The University of Texas at Austin. Web. Feb. 1 2012. >

Jacobson, Robert. Information Design. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2000.